Saturday, November 1, 2008

Christening today

This morning Dommy had me up at 5.15am (not happy about that since i didn't get to bed until 11pm). We were all up pretty early.

Anyway the kids were really happy to have Aunty Bronny around in the morning.

Muzzie and Duzzie (Ben's parents) arrived just after 9am to pick up Bron as they were going to a family reunion.

The kids and I were going to a Christening, as I was taking photos for Rachael's twins. Ben had a wedding on.

But we'll hopefully see Aunty Bronny again around Christmas time..

Anyway we headed off to North Ipswich for the Christening and I took some photos which turned out pretty good - the church was really dark, so I had some issues with trying to get the camera settings right! And because we were running a bit late, I didn't have enough time to do some extra shots to get the right exposure.

Here's some piccies.

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