Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dominic's 3rd Birthday

Dominic woke up about 6am for his birthday and you should have seen the look on his face when he saw his new BIKE - it was priceless!!!

We also bought him some Gears, Gears, Gears and some pj's.

Since we were meant to be away camping, we didn't have anything planned for Dom's birthday, (as we saw both sides of the family near McKenzie's birthday) so we had Craig, Liz and the kids around, and Mum and Dad came up from the coast, and we had a lovely morning tea (with 2 cakes both Dom and Kenz) out on the deck.

McKenzie got her birthday present from Craig and Liz, a Barbie MP3 player!!

Dominic got a tiger car, a garbage truck and a quad bike (which was their birthday and Christmas presents).

After everyone left about 3.30pm, we had about an hour to just relax (the kids wouldn't go to sleep) and then Ian, Sandy and their kids came over for a bbq and they all left about 9.30pm - so another late night for the kids..but they had a great time and Dom had a wonderful birthday.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Where has the time gone!!???

I just don't seem to have time to do my blogs at the moment and now it's nearly 2 weeks later, so I need to try remember and break down what we have been doing!

Monday 24th, Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th are normally the same sort of thing, with work, child care, school, and Ben designing albums and seeing clients.

We've been having a lot of rain and storms lately and on Thursday we had to make the decision to NOT go camping with Craig and Liz, as it just wasn't going to be worth going in the rain and wind - so we were very disappointed in having to miss out on camping for the 2nd time this year!!

So Thursday I just raced around getting Christmas presents, grocery shopping, taking Dominic to swimming - I changed him to the Thursdays and he likes this class so much better without the naughty boys in his class. Then I took Kenz to her last Vision Therapy session - and I need to make an appointment soon for her to have her eyes tested to see if there has been an improvements.

Friday I cannot remember what we did, but I know the weather was fine, so we were really peeved. We did have a shower in the afternoon though. It was also windy.

Saturday Ben had a wedding and we had a storm in the afternoon (but Ben didn't get the storm at Ocean View Winery where the wedding was).

We pretty much stayed home and had a quiet day and the kids stayed up and watched The Polar Express until 10pm!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

More Storms and just busy, busy, busy

Well Brisbane has been hit by more storms again on Wednesday night and Ben and I were up around 1am (Thurs morning) making sure our studio wasn't flooding - it was pretty close to the doors, but luckily didn't make it in!!

Thursday McKenzie had her Vision Therapy (2nd last session) and I just did the grocery shopping etc.

Friday Ben had a wedding and I took Dominic swimming. He has 2 little brothers in his class who are just out of control and I must change him out of that class - poor Dom was in tears because of these naughty naughty boys and to top it off, their mum is a policewoman!! she doesn't have any control over them at all!!

Saturday Ben had another wedding on and the kids and just hung around the house and played with their birthday presents etc and we also went down to Harvey Norman where the kids decided to muck up so they were in trouble for the rest of the afternoon!

Sunday we went around to Mike and Kate's place and I took some photos of the girls for Kate and she gave Kenz and Dom their birthday presents - a V Smile (which plugs into your tv) and the keyboard that attaches to it. The kids just love it!!!

I really like this photo - Dominic was asleep (he slept for 2 hours whilst over there) so unfortunately he missed out, but there will be many more times for fun photo shoots like this..

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Princess Ratbag Pettiskirts - FREE PHOTO SHOOT

I've mentioned before I'd do a free photoshoot to anyone who bought a Princess Ratbag Pettiskirt, but I just thought I'd attach their website now..

Monday, November 17, 2008

McKenzie's 7th Birthday

This morning we were woken up by Dominic and the smoke alarm!!

Happy Birthday Kenz - I bet you love waking up to a smoke alarm...

Anyway today didn't work out as planned, Kenz just wanted to have her birthday on the beach and it was a miserable day after the big storm last night - and we were pretty worried and wanted to get home to make sure our house was still in one piece since we're in the Brisbane North West - we had heard on the news that The Gap and Ferny Hills copped it and they're only 5 minute from us.

We gave Kenz her birthday present - she wanted a Cabbage Patch Doll and her main surprise was waiting at home for her (a new bike!)...

We got home fairly early to find everything intact - thank god!

Then I had to drive to Samford to pick up Oscar from the kennels and that's when I realised the extent of the storm!! All from Keperra, through to Ferny Grove and Samford there were power lines done, trees just demolished, shredded leaves and branches on the roads and all of the intersections were out!!

When I got home with Oscar (and the kids) Ben's parents had arrived to celebrate McKenzie's (and Dominic's) birthdays.

Mary bought a sponge cake and she decorated it with McKenzie. It was so nice to catch up with them.

McKenzie then wanted to go to McDonalds for her Birthday dinner - so we headed off to Newmarket, and I'd imagine there were a few people there that had lost power..

When I get a chance, I'll upload some of McKenzie's birthday photos - unfortunately with the storm, being down the coast and racing around, we didnt' get to take too many photos..

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The worst storm in 24 years

This morning was beautiful and sunny and we headed off to the North Burleigh Surf Club for breakfast with Mr and Mrs Weaver (Rochelle and Andy), my parents, Nanna, Brooke (Andy's daughter) and Andy's family....we all had a great breakfast.

Rochelle gave McKenzie and Dom their early birthday presents..Beados for Kenz and a big Dump truck digger for Dom.

Then Mum, Dad and Nanna came around to the unit and also gave the kids birthday presents.. a crossword game, a Latch Hook for Kenz and Woody (from Toy Story) and a cricket set for Dommy.

After they had left the kids were happy to play with their new toys..

It was a stinking hot day and since it was lunch time, we decided to stay inside - bad move - by 2pm the storm came and we thought we were going to be wiped out - but amazingly the storm moved around us, hit Mt Tamborine and then smashed into The Gap and Ferny Grove - we had no idea if our house had been damaged or not...I emailed a couple of friends to see if we were hit in our area, but didn't get any email replies so I thought we had at least lost power...

Later in the afternoon (after the thunderstorm) we took the kids out to Cold Rock for some ice cream...the poor things, they just wanted to go to the beach and fly their kites and Kenz even wanted to walk up the Burleigh National park but we couldn't do any of it...

Oh well, we can't control the weather.....

More Beautiful Wedding Photos

Saturday, November 15, 2008

More Beautiful Wedding Photos

Since I was bridesmaid, it was a bit hard for me to take the photos, so Ben took over from the ceremony...

Rochelle and Andy's wedding

A busy day today - Rochelle picked me up just before 10am and we went back to her place to get our hair done.

Ben took McKenzie to the hairdressers to get her hair done - a lovely braid.

Then Roshy and I met Mum and Dad at Surfers so we could get our make up done at Napaloen around midday. The 3 girls who did our make up did a really nice job.

Then we went back to Rochelle's place and had some nibblies and drinks before getting ready.

The Orange 1957 Chevy arrived at 2.30pm and we had a couple of photos done (I took them) and then we had to race off to the wedding. Funny thing was that the Chev was only 2 doors and the front seats didn't fold forward so Rochelle and I (in short dresses) had to climb over the seats, trying not to stand with our high heels on the leather seats!!!

We arrived right on time (3.00pm) to a beautiful day and a beautiful wedding. It was so nice and relaxed and just so Roshy and Andy.....

It was a beautiful ceremony.

We then headed off to the Mowbray Park Surf Club and we bumped into little Dommy with the babysitter we organised to mind him and we managed to get a couple of photos of him)...he looked so cute in McKenzie's Fairy Wings!

Then at the Surf Club we had some hot nibblies and drinks and McKenzie was ready to go back to the unit with Dom and the babysitter, so we took her back at 5.30pm. (I think she lasted there for about and hour).

So it worked out nice that Ben and I got to have some time by ourselves without kids, and spend time with the family. Everyone had a lovely time and it was so nice to feel so relaxed...

We left around 9.30pm so we could let the babysitter go home and check on the kids.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Off to Burleigh Heads

This afternoon we headed down to gorgeous Burleigh Heads (after lots of running around in the morning).

We got to Burleigh around 4pm and settled into our unit and my sister Rochelle arrived to talk to me about wedding stuff. Ben took the kids for a big walk.

Wonderful Roshy bought me a lovely Pandora bracelet for being her bridesmaid, which was so nice.

After Ben and the kids came back, we grabbed fish and chips for dinner at ate them on the beachfront.

Tried to settle the kids into bed but they were still awake at 9pm - and I was trying to get them to bed early because of the wedding tomorrow!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It must be Thursday again

I've been busy this morning - dropped Kenz off to school (late) got to love wet weather, went grocery shopping and bought some stuff to take away with us, came home unpacked, got morning tea for Dominic, then Ben came to the Toy warehouse in the next street over to buy Dom the train table and train set that was on sale (Dom will love it!), then we went straight to Big W to get Kenzie's birthday bike off layby (and some Christmas stuff I had lay byed as well).

Well McKenzie's bike ended up being too small - it said for ages 5-9 and since she's only 7 and a small 7 I thought it would be ok, but it was only 16inches (or 40cms) so I had to take the bike to returns and buy another bike (I couldn't get her another Hannah Montanah bike which is really annoying, but anyway she's still got a new bike!). This one is 20 inches so I hope it's big enough - it said from 5-8.

I also lay byed her Xmas present as I don't have anywhere to store it at the moment!

Ben dropped me off to get a spray tan (for this weekend away) and then we came home and made lunch by 12.30pm!

Kenz is meant to go to vision therapy today but they've just called to cancel. - yay!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Baby News

No, not my news. I got a message from Tania (who I had lunch with on Friday last week) that she had a baby boy today which is wonderful news. No name as yet. 7 pound 10oz - a nice weight.

A quiet day at work today - yesterday I was flat out, and today, not much at all, but at least I'm up to date with all of my archiving and work!

I got may nails manicured today - I was going to get a pedicure as well, but didn't as I needed to race around town and find something for my sister to give to her on the weekend....

I've started packing our bags for the coast too....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rememberance Day

Today was 90 years since WW1 ended - and it's amazing and wonderful that we are still honouring those who lost their lives for us so long ago (and even of recent times).

I was pretty busy at work but I was lucky enough to catch up with the lovely Eli for lunch - I used to work for Eli and she's wonderful.

Having a really hard time trying to get Kenzie to do her Vision Therapy exercises. She just doesn't want to do them. if she didn't stuff around, it would only take about 20 minutes, but lately it's been like 30-40 minutes because she's mucking around so much.

I designed my first DVD Slideshow tonight, of Rachael's boys' Baptism and I think it's turned out pretty good. I just need to burn the disk and put a label on it and send it to her! (That will probably be next week).

Monday, November 10, 2008

And here we are, Monday again

Can't believe it's Monday already! Today I went for a facial (I cannot tell you how long it's been since I had a facial!) and had my brows waxed.

Work was fairly busy.

I am still waiting for a toy for Dom which I ordered back in August - starting to get really annoyed that it hasn't arrived yet!

I went up and did body balance at the gym tonight - it's great to do the stretches and relaxation.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lunch with some friends

Today we had Troy and Pam and their 2 boys, and Selina & Shameem and their little girl around for lunch. Another couple were coming but weren't able to due to a family illness. We had a lovely afternoon on the deck and I ordered some Foccaccia's from the local deli and a lovely chicken and mango salad and it was really nice. I'll be ordering from them again!! Everyone had left by about 3pm, so then we had time to get things ready for work, school and child care.

Still trying to get to bed by 9.30pm but I think today will probably be the last chance I get for the week! I just have heaps of things to get organised before we head off down the coast for a couple of nights.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Well Ben had a late start today, so it was nice to have him home until about 1pm. Earlier on, Ben's mate Kaz came around and helped move the Sofa bed from the spare bedroom downstairs up on the deck - and that thing is heavy! It looks pretty good on the deck.

In the afternoon I dressed up McKenzie and Dominic in the fair and elf outfits and took them down to the long grassy area near Spotlight. We only had about 30-45 minutes and then the rain came!!

Here's a couple of photos.

I love this one - looks like it could be on a Christmas card!

Another favourite..

Friday, November 7, 2008

Fridays are getting busier too

Today I'm dropping Kenz to school, racing over to Chermside to meet Kate to give her some money to pay for our Rainbow holiday.

Then Ben is going to come to the toy warehouse with me to look at this Train Table and train track set (as I can't carry it with Dom on my arm) and we need to find something for Kenz for Christmas too.

Then I need to finish the housework (vac and wash floors etc) and then Dominic starts his swimming lessons back at his old swim school. It's sort of silly to start him this month as we're away 2 more weekends so then we'll have to organise make up swim classes - oh well - I just really wanted him to get used to the water again before we go away to Rainbow (as the house has a pool). Kenz is doing swim classes with school on Thursdays so hopefully she will be a bit more water confident.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursdays are always busy!

Another crazy Thursday. I dropped Kenz off to school, dropped into the Toy Warehouse in the next street, and raced off to do the grocery shopping. I have NO idea when I'm going to make it to the gym on a Thursday morning Pump Class again!!

After shopping, I met up with my friend Tania at Cafe Mammas. It's Tania's birthday on the weekend and she is 37 weeks pregnant and she's booked in for a c-section on the 19th of November (so 2 weeks time) so it was great to spend a couple of hours with her. And they have a little play area, so Dom was happy playing with the train table and track. I aw these at the toy sale, so I might go back again tomorrow and buy one for him for Christmas.....and it should keep him (and Kenz) entertained for hours!!

Then I raced home, picked up Kenz from school and took her to Vision Therapy.

I also booked Oscar into the kennel for next weekend.

After dinner we went for a little walk as it was getting too dark.

I've been going to bed at 9.30pm all week and plan to do it next week also so I don't feel so tired at Rochelle's wedding next weekend. I'm starting to feel better for it. But I'm finding it really hard to get everything done! Like tonight I put the kids to bed, made lunch for Kenz, did a small load of ironing, did 2 quick loads of washing and did a bit of the housework (dusting, cleaning toilets etc) but I make sure I stop by 9pm, have a shower and a cup of tea and then go to bed at 9.30pm.

I'm not on the computer as much as I don't have time for it!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mon - Wed

Just our normal Monday to Wednesday week.

Work, school, child care etc.

I went to the gym Monday night. Tuesday was Melbourne Cup (and we didn't do any good), and Wednesday was little Taya B's 4th birthday.

We've decided to go camping at the end of this month so we've asked Craig and Liz and Kristy & Adrian to come along with us.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Yay a Quiet Day

We had no plans today so it was nice to spend some time at home, just do little things around the house and not have to rush out anywhere!!

The only time we went out was when we took Oscar for a walk in the afternoon.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Christening today

This morning Dommy had me up at 5.15am (not happy about that since i didn't get to bed until 11pm). We were all up pretty early.

Anyway the kids were really happy to have Aunty Bronny around in the morning.

Muzzie and Duzzie (Ben's parents) arrived just after 9am to pick up Bron as they were going to a family reunion.

The kids and I were going to a Christening, as I was taking photos for Rachael's twins. Ben had a wedding on.

But we'll hopefully see Aunty Bronny again around Christmas time..

Anyway we headed off to North Ipswich for the Christening and I took some photos which turned out pretty good - the church was really dark, so I had some issues with trying to get the camera settings right! And because we were running a bit late, I didn't have enough time to do some extra shots to get the right exposure.

Here's some piccies.