Thursday, July 10, 2008

My 1st Photographers Lunch

We had a terrible night with Dom last night - we had just gone to bed (about 11.30pm) when he started barking like a dog and I finally got back into my bed at 2.30am.

Then he woke up at 6.30am so needless to say I had 4 hours sleep and unfortunately I don't operate too well on that little sleep!!!

We drove the kids down the coast to Mum and Dad's place and then we went to the photographers lunch at Hope Island..geez it was a good lunch - considering I didn't know anyone except for Ben and Juanita B, everyone was really nice and friendly, and talked about how they did things (but they didn't go overboard and carry on like they were the best out there). Everyone was really nice. I think all up there were 11 of us and the 2 Ben's were the only males - so you could imagine what it was like with a lunch of 9 women - a LOT of fun!!!

Then we went to Sanctuary Cove as a couple of the girls wanted to get their photos taken for their profiles, so it was fun snapping at everyone - except I didn't take too many photos - neither did Ben.

Then they did my photo shoot and it was so embarrassing, especially since there were about 3 or 4 of them (and they are all well known Brisbane or Gold Coast photographers). I just didn't know how to stand or pose or whatever - I guess that's how a lot of their clients' feel when they're having their photos taken.

Don't get me wrong, i felt comfortable with them taking my photos, just I felt awkward. Oh well, I did see a couple of good photos so hopefully I can use one of them!!

Then we went back to Mum and Dad's to pick up the kids and then got home about 6.30pm. The kids slept in the car and Kenz went to her bed straight away. Dom stayed awake until 9pm and just when I got him to sleep, Kenz woke up as she was hungry.

It's 9.30pm now so she's going to bed and so am I since I had practically no sleep last night!!!!

Photographers who attended and their websites:-

Debbie and Micaela from Bliss on the Gold Coast -
Toni Snell -
Ben and Justine Rugers -
Juanita - Broderick Photography -
Anna from Ferretography -
Kym from Kym Berry Photography -
Yohti from New Life Photographics -

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