Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'd hate to be a school teacher

I've just had the worst experience at school!

I was helping out with Kenzie's class, and we were all in little groups (and i had 6 kids, Kenz was one of them) and about 3/4's the way through I had one little boy jump up and shout at me that he "hated people trying to help him" and everyone just stopped and looked at us.

I know he was getting frustrated as he was a bit behind the others, it's really hard as the kids are all calling out and arguing about what the right answer is etc, but the little bugger refused to apologise to me and he ended up being taken to the office (by another teacher / someone from the office). I think it's a regular occurrance.

And it was hard too as Dom was with me, and hanging off me, and he finally settled down and drew, but it wasn't much fun.

Then one of the girls tipped him backwards on his chair and he fell back onto his head. OMG it was horrible - thank god I said I can't do it next week, so I don't have to do it again until early September!!!! Not looking forward to it - stupid thing is the teacher only had 4 kids in her group!!! I'd hate to be a teacher!!!!

Then Dom and I came home and had a piece of chocolate cake, and then we went out grocery shopping where Dominic mucked up big time and I wasn't happy with him!

Came home, had lunch, and then had to get Kenz from school at 3pm and then take her to Numberworks. Thankfully Dom was good playing with the toys at Numberworks for an hour.

I packed our clothes for Maleny tomorrow and cooked a quiche for the kids to have for dinner Friday night.

I'm totally exhausted tonight!

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