Friday, July 25, 2008


Just the usual, took Kenz to school and then I raced to Target at Brookside to pick up a Christmas present for Gabriele (as Bronny had tried getting it up in Townsville but they had totally sold old and the only place in Brisbane was Brookside and they only had one! Then Dom and I finished off our grocery shopping.

Kate came over and did our BAS / group certificates, so Dommy had a great time running around with Abbey.

Picked Kenz up from school and then didn't do much.

Ben went out to a party at Todd & Alyda's place at Stafford, but I decided to stay home with the kids as it was so wet and cold and miserable. Ben was home by midnight.

5 months to Christmas - I need to start thinking about what we will be doing as I have both sides of the family over for Christmas day and then we're off to Rainbow on boxing day, so it would have been nice if we could go out, but that's not going to happen! Maybe everyone will just have to bring a plate of food to our place. It's just so hard to work out what to do.............

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