Tuesday, December 11, 2007

McKenzie the Little Worker

Well McKenzie (and I) both survived the full day at work. Everyone was great at work asking how she was enjoying her day, giving her little jobs to do (like putting labels on envelopes, emptying the recycled paper boxes into bins and even shopping for Christmas decorations!).

We went to Queens Arcade for lunch and McKenzie just scoffed down her ham and cheese crepe and I think she was pretty tired by the time we got home!

Kenzie wants to know when she can come back to work again........

After dinner we went to Calypso Court at Eatons Hill - they usually win the 4KQ Best Neighborhood award!! And it's pretty impressive! Dominic and McKenzie just loved walked around the cul de sac. It's so nice to see a street get into the Christmas spirit. I think we're the only house in our street that his Christmas lights and I'm hoping to buy more when the sales are on, so we can have many more lights next year!!!

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