Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Eagle has Landed

Aunty Tracey (Ben's sister) arrived this morning from Melbourne and we were SO happy to see her (especially since her plane was at least 45 minutes late) and we haven't seen her for nearly a year.

We then raced off to DFO and had a little look around and Trace had her usual fruit juice drink with Kenz.

We came home, had some lunch and then we all decided to have a nanna nap as Trace didn't get much sleep last night.

Then about 45 minutes later, Matt (Ben's brother) Michelle, Levi and Sean were knocking on our door as they were coming for a quick visit so we could catch up with Sean for Christmas. So it was nice to have 4 of the cousins together - all we needed was little Gabriele - and she arrived about half an hour after Matt & Michelle left.

Mary (Ben's mum) arrived at 3pm and then Bronny and Gabriele arrived, so it was nice to catch up with them before Christmas and it was the first time that Tracey had met Gabriele!! After everyone left, we went to the kennels to pick up Oscar - and I think he was pretty happy to see us!!!!

Now all I need to do tonight is wrap up Christmas presents and do some ironing - a fun night ahead for me! :o)

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